Friday, May 6, 2011

Are you Sharp?

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend". - Proverbs 27vs17

This verse didn't become as real and tangible to me until a a dear friend of mine needed her friends and family to rally around her. The way and the speed with which people responded warmed my heart! It was a beautiful thing to see. But that really isn't the crux of my post today. The aspect that blessed me and I know made God smile was the response to the situation - We banded together in prayer. We were there to give a kind and encouraging word, to edify and lift up one another. There was no negativity in our thinking and speech. We prayed and we cried out to God as one voice to completely nullify the situation.

Matthew 18vs20 - "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

It is really important to have a support system that can be strong for you when you are weak. People that will hold up your hand when your strength is failing like Moses because that's the only way the battle can be won. You need people who won't lie to you or flatter you when you wear an outfit  that's obviously too tight and doesn't flatter your body type (or maybe you just need to hit the gym).

The presence (or lack thereof) of these people in your life can make (or break) a situation. It changes things when you have a shoulder to cry on whenever necessary or when you need someone to snap you out of your self pity and wallowing. I mean, Jesus is all those things and more to us, but there's a reason Proverbs 27vs17 is in the Bible. We as Christians, Christ-like people, children of God, Heaven-bound, righteous and holy, consecrated unto God should find poeple that carry the same spirit and learn from each other, uplift each other, rub off on each other because as we polish one another, we become sharper and brighter in a dark, dark world. This is what the people of the world will see and be drawn to.

Because there are times you need someone to remind you of what you already know or give you a new insight into something that completely changes your perspective on an issue.

In that vein, I am indeed thankful for the "irons" that I have!

Have a blessed and God filled day!

PS: Lakers is down 2-0!! God loves me!! Whohooooo


  1. Can't see my previous comment.
    This post is the truth! I recently experienced the strength of family when the chips are down. I'm also grateful for the 'irons' in my life. We all need them!
    Beautiful post.

  2. Thanks!! It really blew my mind how it all seamlessly came together! Just by gathering in spirit! Absolutely awesome~
