Thursday, January 5, 2012


It has indeed been a while!!!

I've had quite a few people (a lot of whom I didn't think knew I had a blog!!) ask me " Tola, wassup with your blog? When are you gonna post somethin'?" My sincerest apologies for the break in transmission, I was away in the motherland....and twas a grand ol' time!!!

This trip home was definitely more fun-filled and fulfilling than my last. I had a lot of weddings and engagements that I attended from the mainland to the island, I met a lot of new and awesome people and reconnected with my old friends. My girl, Ope was a stunning bride (picture below), Lola was beautiful (as usual), Sister Titi was absolutely gorgeous, Kehinde was the quintessential gushing bride!

I love Nigeria! There's always something to do, somewhere to go, people to see. Believe me, all that applied. I got to see my Yoruba-turned-Ghanian friend who I lost contact with since 2001 (one of the highlights of my trip), attended over 5 weddings and 6 engagements, went to various parties, mixers and sometimes, just plain went out! It was fantastic.

I think the downside of living in Lagos is the horrendous traffic! The traffic is SICK! I had three unfortunate encounters with the third-mainland bridge traffic. Needless to say, it is absolutely important to plan your trip around the moods of the outside! Because if you don't, you'll end up in stand-still traffic for upwards of 4 hours for a trip that should've taken only 45 minutes! Imagine that! Now, if you had the bad luck of getting into a car with spotty air-conditioning, then you're toast 'cos the heat was another matter!

I do not kid when I say the minute you step out of your door and you come in contact with that heat, you begin to melt..literally! I usually run into the car to avoid the trace of sweat that runs down my back if I spend more than two minutes in the heat. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the heat! No, sirey! It's just as bad as summer in Maryland. It's the traffic and heat combo that I can't deal with! I mean, come ON!!

Gosh, I miss that place!! I miss it soo much! And I left only 5 days ago. It's so tough to think about it! I had sooo much fun! Any more fun and it'd have been illegal! I can't wait to get back....!

Here are few pictures chronicling my beautiful time in the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Looking forward to going back...soon!!

Spent a grand ol' time with Pirate and TJ

Leaving Sister Tyty Akinyosoye's wedding

With my one of my bestest friends, Ronke!

The beautiful Ope Awosan and her husband

Mr. and Mrs Awosan

The Akinyosoyes

Elgizzle and Ariztos

Look at my cuzzo's expression..priceless!

PS: This song was played at literally EVERY PARTY I I'm hooked!


  1. are you back love??? i hope u brought me back music :*

  2. I am, Lala!! Ermmm, I can hook up with some!
    LexiSugar!! Thanks a lot!!
