Thursday, March 24, 2011

Don't get it twisted, love is a beautiful thing......

So....have you ever been in love?

It changes things doesn't it? An awesome example of the transforming powers of falling in love can be found in Mr X - see, this guy wouldn't go out of his way to do anything for anyone!! You need a ride, he doesn't have gas. You need to get your hair done, he never carries cash...and his check card got stolen 35 seconds before you asked him for money. You need help moving to your new house, he just broke his two legs and an arm helping an old lady cross the street. Things like that. walks Mz Q and X falls and falls hard! I mean, he topples over and lands on his head he falls! He's mad about this girl. He thinks about her when she's standing next to him, he dreams about her when she's not.
He dog sits for her...and he's allergic to dogs! He cooks - dude took cooking lessons! This is a guy who could not boil water until Q came skipping.

THAT is the power of Love!

So to the koko of the matter....I listened to 95.1 Shine FM as always on my way to work in my brother's car ( love you Bid!!) and this song came on and it just made sense to me!

I've come to realize that love is a huge deciding factor in a person's willingness and commitment. I mean, look at Mr X! You could hardly get him to do ANYTHING for you! He would never go out of his way for anything. But all Mz Q has to do is blink the wrong way and poof, he's there!

You cannot be utterly and irrevocably focused on God unless there's a deep love and devotion for who He is. You can't be cajoled into a relationship with God - you have to be arrested and the encounter HAS to change something in you, because then it wouldn't be termed an encounter would it? Look at Saul of Tarsus on the way to Damascus. He was a persecutor of the children of God before he started his trip then BAM, he meets Jesus, then he became blind, got his sight back, changed his name to Paul, became one of those he used to persecute and wrote a lot of the books in the New testament! What a change!

This relationship is really important, it's deep and it's profound! You cannot afford for it to become routine. You can't just go through the motions with God, it doesn't work that way. There has to be a desperation, a fire, a after day...If this is lacking then you need to go back to the ultimate boyfriend (or girlfriend) and get back together 'cos y'all broke up and you didn't know it!

God's love is the deepest; his love and devotion and focus never wavers. He's perfect in every way you can think of! Look around you! He's everywhere!! He's everything!

So, I'll end the same way I started: ....Have you ever been in love?

I hope the answer is yelz!

Have a blessed and God-filled day!!

PS - Happy Birthday Oluwatomilola Okubanjo. You are indeed a blessing! God loved me enough to gift me with friends who have become more like sisters to me and you are one of them! I love you plenty, Strawberry Shortcake!


  1. I say love is the selfless service approach to life, not a mere gushy feeling towards some male or female. Plus the whole cynicism stuff that human beings (inherently) are motivated by selfishness.

    Nice one though. I actually enjoy reading your stuff.

  2. The perspective u've given love is indubitably fresh. U hit the nail on the head here and added a plus by simplifying the entire subject matter. May the good Lord continue to grant you the intellectual firepower needed to blast through the rest of the world. Stay sweet and keep your head up.
