Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crows and Locusts

Good Morning.....

So, what's up with the gas prices of late? I mean, this time last year, gas was $2.75 per gallon and just this morning, I tried buying gas in Annapolis and literally turned around in utter shock at the $3.57 gallon asking price for Regular! One would think buying a compact car is cheap...ermmm not anymore!! Gas prices are increasing at an alarming rate of 2 cent per day on average!! Very soon, people are going to start hiking to work, mark my words!

It's getting so bad now that Prez Obama is seriously considering tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve - which has been done only TWICE since it's inception in 1973 after the Arab boycott; in 1991 after the Gulf War and after Hurricane Katrina (yep, I've done my research! I'm tired of paying ridiculous amounts of money to fill my tank). Although this will definitely drive down the gas prices temporarily, the reserve can only hold the United States for only two months, if that! So, what happens after that?

What needs to be done is to address the underlying issues causing this massive issue -

Libya provides about 2% of the world's supply of oil and with the unrest there (Gaddafi is a mad man, by the way) and the winding down of Egypt's protest and subsequent resignation of Mubarak is causing a really huge domino effect that we are now feeling here halfway around the world. Oil production has not ceased; Saudi Arabia is still spitting out oil and we all know they're up there in the oil production hierarchy, but unrest equals uncertainty, which resonates into the stock market and that's another issue for another blog (schizophrenic doesn't quite cover it).

God help NORTH AFRICA! It's people and leadership! It peeves me that Libya and Egypt and the others are being regarded as the Middle East in the news! CNN, Get a Map! Ignoramos!!

Ranting over.. But on a serious note, though, we need to pray for these countries. God needs to intervene. I mean, Mubarak was a dictating president for 3 decades! Gaddaffi is not any better!

2 Chronicles 7 vs 14 - "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

On that note...Have a blessed and God filled day!!

PS - Happy International Women's Day, Ladies!!!

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