Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Ramblings - Be Still


It's really hard to put all the stuff running through my brain into one coherent post, but I will try - I'm thinking about a lot of things and they keep bombarding my poor brain at the oddest times, hence the Venti Cup of Starbucks coffee and bloodshot eyes, so I have decided to share the load, one at a time. I need my sleep!!

It seems to me that a lot of people seem to be moving on to something else - whether they're sure of the move or not. Some are moving to another job, house, boyfriend, business venture, Something! Something that's not what they were doing before. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy with where I am at this particular season in my life.

I am fairly young (can you say FAST approaching 30? Sheesh), I have an awesome family, a job I adore (much to people's confusion) and my relationship with God is getting better everyday. So why am I all itchy all of a sudden? Where did this restlessness come from? I literally have my whole life planned out - I mean, unless God decides to turn it on it's ear, I'm pretty much set. So, I shouldn't be feeling this way, should I? Just because it looks like people are moving doesn't mean I'm "marking time", right? Well, after weeks of agonizing and pondering, I got an answer. Fairly simple. With God, most things are..

Psalm 46 vs 10a - ""Be still, and know that I am God".

There are some points I guess that you get to in life that you need to be reminded of what you already know- Be still. Don't worry. Cease striving. Let go of your concerns. It's all in your mind - maybe...probably. But be still.

I hope that encourages someone today.


  1. Sure nuff does! It was a nice bucket of cold water was poured on me...the peace I felt was soo tangible!! God is good o!
