Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To sow....Or not to sow

.....that is the question!


I hope everyone is having a good afternoon - enjoy it because it's supposed to rain non-stop for 36 hours starting at 5pm this evening. So, beautiful people, I got an alert in my email on Bill Gates (I get alerts for Mr. Gates, Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim - #1, soon to be #2, #3 and #2 richest men in the world) that he will no longer be the richest man in the world as of today's Forbe's list! All because he gave a significant chunk of his ridiculous net worth to his charity!!

Disclaimer - There's also news going around that he wasn't the richest man in the world last year either, but big whoop! Who cares? The point is he has over $25 billion with a "B" to give away to charity. So there!

Now this got me thinking - as far as I know, this guy is not saved but he's following the rules of the kingdom pretty strictly. Isn't it weird that most of us don't do the same?

In Luke 6 vs 38, the Bible says "Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete with it shall be measured to you again".

Okay, back to my story. So from this passage, good ol' Bill has obeyed the command (maybe without knowing it) and it is automatic that the result will follow. The fact that he's not a born again Christain matters not (pulling out the King James version there...see it? hehe). God does not go back on his word....ever! So whosoever decides to obey His command reaps the reward of their obedience.

In this situation, giving, according to the Law of God, triggers a torrential downpour of blessings and increase commensurate with the measure of the giving. Simply put, to receive is to give! Kinda backwards, but that's the way our God works. "Seed"ing or sowing always comes before receiving or harvest.
So God says, "Hey child, do you want to receive from me? Then give!"

Genesis 8 vs 22 - "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

Now, please understand, although my segway into this conversation was money (and lots of it), this is not entirely about money. I mean, we do need to give offerings, pay tithes (Malachi 3 vs 20) and all that. Because like I blogged about earlier, God will not continue to fill you up if you're hoarding all that He has given you. He doesn't work that way.

We need to give of ourselves more; above and beyond the money - our time, our talent(s), resources that are available to us and so on. We need to be more giving because that is the ONLY way to receive from God and we all know that whatever God gives is the awesomest ( I know it's not a word, but it works)!

Proverbs 10 vs 22 - "The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."


On that note, have a blessed and God-filled day and have an umbrella, a poncho and yellow raincoat complete with boots handy!

PS: Barcelona is Fiyurrrrr!! Did you watch the game?? Is it any wonder I want to marry Lionel Messi??

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