Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Expectamus Dominum

Happy Tuesday Morning Beautiful people!!

It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Unfortunately, that is the life of an external auditor from January to April and no, I do not do taxes all day! So anyway, Church this past Sunday was Ah-mazing!! It's just like God to throw you a life jacket when it looks like drowning is imminent. It's only God that will put a word in the mouth of your pastor that you abso-positively needed at that particular time to tide you over for the next time you're overwhelmed again and it looks like there's no way out. And again, He comes through. God's infallible faithfulness is basically what I'm experiencing right now...and I'm not alone.

It's His faithfulness, His ability to never fail that I would like to share again with you this beautiful day (not that I can see it from this gloomy audit room, but still). God is never late; he never forgets, he never disappoints. He's dependable like the sunrise. He has this ability to say something and actually follow through! There's no wishy-washiness (yep, it's a word, according to the T.Toleezy dictionary coming to stores near you) with this God!

With this in mind, why is it that we go through the day or a season without an expectation from this God? It seems like we are told by God either through daily meditation on the word or prophecy that this, that and the other thing is going to happen and all we do is say amen and do nothing afterwards. It comes in through one ear and goes out the other. There's no daily confession of the word, no expectation that it will come to pass. It's tying the hands of God! It's basically saying that you dont want it. So, fine, God did promise but it's now up to us to begin to walk in the fullness of that promise. We belive Not by what we see! We are a people of faith who call things that be not as though they are.

Something has got to give! We can't have this uber-cool, magnificent God who is like the total supreme of and in all things and we are wallowing in medicrity and lack! That is most definitely not God's will for you and I. If you want to know what God's will is, open the Bible! It's all in there. The thoughts of God towards us are those of good! (Jeremiah 29 vs 11). This is where we align our expectations with God's will and expectations for us and it's then and only then that we dont get a case of dashed and disapppointed expectations.

If you don't expect good, then good will not come to you. It's like a woman who finds out she's pregnant - the manifestation of that pregnancy is not seen until 10 months after inception but that doesn't mean that it's not there - there's the kicking and the burgeoning belly and the like that gives proof that there is indeed life growing in that woman. So, the woman who is preggers doesn't deny the truth that yep, there's a bun the oven because the baby doesn't just pop out after she found out (that would be creepy...think the movie "Species" Yuck). She looks forward to the end result. So should we! The fact that it doesn't look like our dreams, hopes and aspirations doesn't negate the fact that it's going to occur. So keep hoping, keep expecting because our God shall come and He will not be silent!

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