Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not an Option!!

Good Morning!!

It's not the most fun thing to do, getting up and ready for another work week after a really short reprieve at home (where, if you're like me, you put in about six hours of work in anyway...yuck!). I mean, who decided that it was okay for the work week to be 5 days and not say, like 3days ehn? That person sucks! Rubbish!

Well, rant over...on to the topic of the day. Did y'all watch the Oscars yesterday? Kinda boring, if you ask me. I mean, James Franco as a host??? Dude is as dry as Sahara. Highlights were Natalie Portman's win (wasn't it cute that her baby daddy walked her up the stairs?), Colin Firth's win (now I have to watch that movie) and Inception's wins (shoulda won Best Picture, but whatevs).

Anyway, this whole shebang kinda got me thinking about stuff - you know how I am; I can't keep my thoughts to myself! So here goes -

Have you thought of the issues and heartache a lot of these "stars" had to go through to get to where they are today? I was loafing around on yahoo the other day (I needed it!) and I saw this article of idol rejects who later became hot shots in the biz! Like that girl from "Lady Antebellum"- she tried out for idol twice! And she never got past the production people to see Paula, the crazy. Both times! Now, she and her group just won 5 Grammys! Another is Jennifer Hudson who got belittled by Simon for being fat, then she went on to win the Oscars and shrink about 8 dress sizes thanks to Weight Watchers. Mendeza was another idol hopeful who got creamed for being fat and went on to make it as a Gospel artist (she lost a ton of weight now too).

Heidi Klum is married to my cousin, five times removed. Yep! Seal is family! She also had several issues landing jobs because a lot of modeling agencies thought she looked weird; her face was all wrong and she wasn't skinny enough. Fast forward like 12 years...she's arguably one of the hottest supermodels in the world right about now.

What I'm basically trying to get at is that these people refused to give up when it seemed like things were going awry for them. "So, I went to American Idol and got rejected, big whoop! I'll just start a group instead! Up yours, Simon Cowell!" I just made that up, but I feel like that's probably what Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum said and/or thought.

There's no stopping us, unless we decide to stop. Failure is just another chapter in life; it shouldn't be the end of the matter. Instead, it should be the force that drives us to the next thing. Those who wallow in self pity of what might have been are in danger of actually failing in the end because all they do is look at the past, instead of keeping their heads in the present and looking to the future. They look down on themselves instead of looking up to the One who made them. It can't be easy though. Actually, it is most assuredly NOT easy. I've been there. I know. But at the end of the day, you need to pick up the pieces, move on in order to move up.

Woody Allen once said "If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative". It's easy to do just stick with what you know because it's bearing a little fruit. It's easy to stick to your comfort zone and not do anything that will challenge you. But those things will not bring fulfillment, which causes people to live (exist, really) in a haze of mediocrity.

The crux of my thought is that that at the end of the day, you can do ALL things! There's nothing impossible for you to accomplish. As long as you can think it, you can do it. Your dreams and aspirations do not need to stay dreams and aspirations. Start taking steps to actualizing them! I know I am. Phillipians 4vs13.

"Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn.t work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach" - Roger Von Oech

"Failure is success IF we learn from it" - Malcolm S. Forbes

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Phil 4vs13.

Start this beautiful new month (sheesh! We just said "Happy New Year" two seconds ago!) with that in mind! What would you do and start to accomplish if you knew YOU CAN'T FAIL?! 'Cos you can't and that's a fact!

On that note, have a successful and God-filled day, week and month ahead!

PS - Oyinlomo Nafisat Abiola ROCKS!

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