Monday, February 7, 2011

Ciao e benvenuto

Hello and Welcome to my very first blog....ever!!

I was talking to a friend of mine about how I used to write as a teenager in Nigeria, but life seemed to just take that key part of my life away. So, she encouraged me to document my thoughts and share it because you never know who needs what you have to say at some point or another. I am a talker; I always have something to say - ranging from Jesus (a lot of Jesus) to Sports and everything in between. I decided to insert that little widget in there because you might find yourself reading about The Boston Celtics (who are totally awesome, by the way!) one day and return to find Tola writing about the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (sorry, the Accountant in me is showing) the next.

But for today though, I heard a song this morning while on my regular hour and a half commute to work on the radio and it took me back to July 2000 when I gave my life seriously to Christ. I said seriously because I was notorious for giving my life to Jesus every few months and also visiting multiple Churches because I knew that at the end of the service, they would have refereshments for the newcomers. I was 12 years old.

I honestly don't remember what the Pastor preached or looked like, but I believe very strongly that God was just tired of the games I'd been playing and decided to arrest me once and for all because that was exactly what happened. I changed. I went from the scrawny girl who hopped from Church to Church for a 35cl Coca-cola and biscuit to one who volunteered to have a bible study fellowship at her house. I became involved in several activities in Church, made awesome friends with like minds and became very interested in this book called the Holy Bible. The best way to describe it is 2 Corinthians 5 vs 17 - "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

It made me remember how God transformed me; and reminded me of who I was - Forgiven, beloved, hidden in Christ, made in the image of the Giver of Life, righteous and holy, reborn and remade.

God doesn't change, but He sure knows how to change. One encounter and you're not the same.

Have a blessed and God-filled day!!


  1. AWESOME! You just said a WHOLE lot in a quick blog....NICE!

  2. Thanks so much, Bisola!! I really appreciate it! :-)
