Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ni Hao Everyone!

On my way home after a long day at work yesterday, I decided to deviate from my daily routine of blasting some correct Nigerian music to listening to something edifying and uplifting. So, combing through my I-pod (before pulling out of the garage of course! Safety first!), I came across the new Tye Tribett album that I completely forgot I had! So, decision made, I set out on the road. The songs were getting good until I got to Track 10, which was basically like a prelude to the next song and it was then that I knew that something special was coming. Then BAM! Track 11 - Champion came on. This song and the one right after were on repeat till I got home about an hour later because I caught something from those two songs; and I'm about to share it with you.

Have you ever thought that you are in a race or fight that has been fixed? That there is absolutely no way that anything can overcome or defeat you? Have you ever thought that it's only a matter of time before the issues and trials and rough patches give way and succumb to do your bidding? Well, if you're like me, the answer to those questions will be "sometimes". Well, that's a colossal mistake! We should always walk into a situation, knowing that it's not only temporary, it's just another way to show off who you have in your corner.

Imagine a metaphoric light weight boxer going into a $150 million fight without his gloves and he just saunters into the ring with a smirk on his face, like "I'm so going to destroy you!!" That should be our attitude; nothing should cause us to panic or fret because we KNOW who is on our side. But here is the kicker: a lot of us don't really know or understand what we've got. It's like a person who inherited a billion dollars but doesn't know it, so he is still going around wearing knock-offs and having huge blisters from wearing worn out shoes that are not even his size! All that person has to do is cash in! But how can he cash in on something he doesn't even know he has?!

I have come to that place where I know without a shadow of a doubt that indeed greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4 vs 4). Those are not just words to me anymore. It's like the passage in 2 Kings 6 where Elisha's servant saw that they were surrounded by chariots and horses that were sent by the King to capture Elisha and became afraid. In verses 16 and 17, Elisha said " Don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them." His servant's eyes were opened and he saw that everywhere was filled with horses and chariots of fire. What happened next was astounding. Read up on it.

We just need to have our eyes opened so our attutude can change; so we can walk with our heads held high like royalty that we are. Because with God, we can't lose, we always win! This race is tilted in our favor; the game is fixed to favor us. Whatever we go through is only to build our character and draw us closer to the God that will fix it at the end of the day. He is the Most High God! Basic deduction just means that there is nothing higher than Him. Period. Shikena.

Once we catch that, things will not remain the same.

On that note, I hope you all had a blessed and God-filled day!

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