Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's time we find it

Hello and Welcome....Again!!

So, at 2pm yesterday, I went down to the cafeteria at my client's and I got there just in time to grab some nice steamy cornbread! They were packing up when I got there, so I was forced to eat cornbread and french fries for lunch (that's what I get for not packing lunch); but I am grateful for the way things turned out because when I got back to the audit room and cut into the steamy, moist cornbread, I realized that one piece was not going to be enough- I dashed right back and got another! That cornbread was awesome! Crunchy outside, moist and delicate with the perfect amount of texture inside! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!

French fries forgotten, I literally inhaled the rest of the cornbread and it got me thinking about Food Network and two of my favorite personalities - Rachel Ray and Guy Fieri. I have no idea why my mind went straight to them during my personal time with my cornbread but it did and I realized that those were two people who have found their calling in food, their niche in life. People (like me) watch them talk about food with such passion and conviction that we can't help but be drawn into their little world for the allotted 30minutes. There are times that I find myself using some of Rachel's idioms like "EVOO" and "Yum-o" or Guy's crazy phrases like "Trip to flavor-town" or "That's money!" I'm sure they don't regard what they do as work and yet they get paid ridiculous amounts of money for doing it!

Stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this- These two people have found their purpose, in my opinion. Can you imagine Rachel working as an Art Curator in a Museum? What would the "food world" be like without the bubbly Rachel who sprinkles salt over her shoulder for luck and cooks up delectable (I hope) food in 30 minutes? The dictionary would not have been graced with a new abbreviation "EVOO" coined by Rachel for Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Or can you imagine Guy working as a Accounts Paybale Clerk in some Fortune 500 Company in a suit and tie? I mean, look at him, with his bleached hair (that he gets done every two weeks, by the way), tattoos and sunglasses! It would be a shame if someone else was the host of Triple D or Big Bite, right? Right!

Can you imagine using a microphone as a drumstick or using a board marker as an eye-liner? The first would definitely not be pleasing to the ear and the second would probably work if you were moonlighting as a clown. Are you doing what you love? Are you just existing and not living life? Have you found your purpose, what you were put on this earth to do? A very wise man, Pops, my big brother, Bidemi said something that resonated with me a while back -  He said that it seems that some been brainwashed to think that life is all about the "9 to 5"; which is why a lot of people have been sucked into the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck and putting in the 8+ hours, rolling out and returning the next day to do it all over again.

Don't get me wrong, that could be someone's passion; to be an executive at a big firm. But really this is for people who wake up dreading the day ahead; who always have the case of the "Mondays" every single day; who hate their jobs but have a talent or "hobby" that should probably be nurtured into something great. It breaks my heart to see people with awesome skills that they were not trained for not doing anything with it.

It's like the parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28) where some wasted the talent that was given to them and others multiplied it. I've been thinking about this, about what God put me here for. We were not born by mistake. There HAS to be reason we're here. We were born to reign, to rule this world. To dominate and multiply....but in what? Where is your niche? Where is your throne? Where is your kingdom that has a crown for just your head? Have you been asking these questions?

If you have, take these questions to God and if haven't, it might be time to start; He formed us, He knows. It's time for us to start walking in the path that God prepared for us -

Psalm 139vs 16 - "your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
To Jeremiah, God said in Jeremiah 1 vs 5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

On that note, have a blessed and God-filled day!

PS- I wonder what eating a hot dog for lunch will trigger if cornbread inspired this thought! :-D

1 comment:

  1. I love it Tola! Very Inspiring! Totally got me thinking!
