Wednesday, October 3, 2012


It has been too long.

Side note - I have quite a bit of posts that are in various stages of completion ranging from a start date of June 20 to now. I feel the need to start with this, then bombard you with the rest. You have been warned.

A lot has happened in 2012 - I can definitely say confidently that this year has been the most interesting year in my almost 24 years. It has been good. It has been bad, horribly bad. It has been amazing. There have been times where I'd wake up sweating profusely with my eyes as big as saucers, completely terrified about what's going on and what might happen next. There have been times where I'd be ridiculously happy and content. Now, I'm not schizophrenic (I'm sure..I think..hahaha). Things have just happened that will cause one of two things to happen: either drive a regular, fairly normal woman completely insane or to her knees. I chose to do the latter.

I'm not sure if at some point I told you that my favorite book of the Bible is Romans and more specifically Romans 8...I probably did - I'm getting old; that's what happens when you're slowly creeping away from "mid-twenties" status, you lose your memory, some of your hair, your hearing...It sucks getting old, lemme tell ya!

Sorry, I veered off tangent. I'm back, I promise.

To be really REALLY specific, I absolutely LOVE Romans 8 vs 18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 

I'd like to add another to this now, considering the series of events - a few verses down, verse 28, a pretty popular scripture.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

And another..verse 31 - :-)
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

I  now know that sometimes when things are happening around you that just bring you constant confusion and anxiety, it's probably best to just hand over the reins to God anyway because all you're going to do is botch it a lot more. I am not all-knowing, He is. I am not all-seeing, He is. This realization became set in stone for me this year. I couldn't have told you in April that I'll be where I am now spiritually and all around to honest. Bad things happen, yeah. It's part of living; there will be ups and downs. That's why Romans 8 vs 28 was put in the Word of God. 

And to be buttress the point that we are not omni-scient and/or omni-potent, when trials, tests and tribulations come and it feels like things have never been this dark or twisted, that's not the end of the matter. That is why Romans 8 vs 18 is in the Bible. Your present condition right this instant is just another chapter to the story of your destiny. There's nothing in this world that can stop, hinder or delay you! Everything is working under God's timetable - the devil might not think so, you sure as heck wont think God is watching out for you while you're in the precarious position - but He is. You just need to remember Romans 8 vs 31.

If God allowed his only son to go through the pain, the humiliation on the way to and on the cross and the pseudo-finality of death after the cross, surely He won't spare us. We are Christians, Christ-like. We will have to stand in situations like He did.

This is a quick synopsis  albeit a little veiled, of my 2012 thus far. These are the things I had to preach to myself daily to prevent myself from burying my head in the sand and going mad. God knows. God sees. God can do all things. And He loves me. So I trusted Him (still do) and He brought me out..time and time and time again.

Really all I'm trying to drive home is in everything can comes your way, good or bad, all we are called to do, like Jesus Christ, is to say Amen. So be it.
