Monday, June 18, 2012

Get in The Game

Hello beautiful people!!

It's weird that I'm just blogging about this now as it happened close to three weeks ago. Well anyway, better late than never!

I was approached by the Pastor of Temple of Praise Sunrise Church, Pastor Tayo "PT" Tychus to write about "Get in the Game 2012". Two things happened at once - first I was shocked he knew I had a blog and actually read it from time to time then the bone-chilling panic washed over me like "I'm writing for a conference!! eeek!!".

Well, anyway, I got over my trepidation, 'cos I won't be writing this blog this wet and chilly morning if I didn't! As a quick side note, Get in the Game is an annual youth conference inviting people to stop sitting on the sidelines and make their lives count for God, plain and simple (Romans 8vs19).

You can read the blog HERE..

I hope you're blessed, challenged and inspired by it!!

Have a blessed and God-filled day!

Two smiles in the sky! Brightened up my day!!