Monday, August 8, 2011


Hello and Welcome!

So a lot of my dreams have come true this year, so I'm going to need to come up with new and improved stuff! First and foremost, I got to see Josh Groban in concert FOR FREE! I got to see the Barcelona vs Manchester United match a week ago (the fact that we, Barca, lost is relative) and now...I will be going to my first Grand Slam!! I'll be going to the US Open to see ROGER FEDERER!! And the others, I guess. I plan to be decked out in "RF" from head to toe! Oh and did I mention that it was FREE too? Yeap! Free! This marks my third free ticket to correct events in one year. I'm on a roll. I'm not going to count the free tickets I got to see the Washington Nationals play in August because well...I don't like Baseball! It puts me to sleep! But it should be fun considering that I will be going with the best most impressive people this side of the galaxy...and there's free food!

I made senior at work! I am almost a two-year audit veteran! Fun stuff! But in all honesty, I love my job and I'm good at it...getting better by the day too! With this promotion comes more work, more accountability, more hours and overall more responsibility but for some reason I'm not freaking out...yet. As a staff (level 1 and 2), you just do the work that is put in front of you and hope that you followed the meager instructions you were given to accomplish the task to the best of your ability and your senior doesn't think you're a complete "olodo" (that means stupid person, by the way. I probably should have used the English word, but that looks better, doesn't it?). Well, anyway, after two years of "staffing", I will resume work as a full Senior 1 in October! God has been good because it has not been easy. But I'm still here.

I think my favorite part of getting promoted to senior will be fact that I'm the boss of whatever engagement I get put on (discounting the manager, senior manager and partner, of I get to dictate what time I want to come in to work, how many hours I plan to long as the work gets done in the alloted time! As a staff, this was different. For the most part, you're told when to come in and when to leave (no fun!).

Again, I'm indeed thankful to God for bringing me this far...there is definitely more to come! Of that I am certain.

On that note, have a blessed and God-filled day!!

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