Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Been a while....

It has been a MINUTE, my people! I hope this post finds you well!

 A lot has been going on...good ones and "could be betters" but I'm still standing and therein lies the testimony!

 I got officially promoted to Senior Auditor (good one! lol) and I inherited three new clients (could be better!). All in all, God is good and His mercy and grace endures forever!

I really just want to share something with you really quick and then it's back to work for me!! This might be dorky (whatevs) but I was researching about how our bodies fight germs and foreign bodies (I've been falling sick with alarming frequency these days! No bueno!) and I got something really helpful:

White blood cells help heal wounds not only by fighting infection, but also by ingesting matter such as dead cells, tissue debris, and old red blood cells. They do this by surrounding the foreign body (or antigen) and gradually break it down and destroy it or make anti-bodies for that particular infection so that the body will not be infected a second time.

So this got me thinking - Why is it that we don't do that with issues that we face? Why don't we surround that situation with the Living Word of God? I think it's because we expect that after a few prayer sessions and emergency fasting exercises, we expect results. But like the white blood cells, these things take time! That's why I still have a cold and cough even though I started getting symptoms last week. A pastor preached at my Church two weeks or so ago and he said that we should "enclose" our problems with the Word of God; the Word of God is Jesus so basically what you're doing is enclosing your problems with Jesus Christ. So wherever that situation faces, thinking that you're going to be fazed again, all it sees is Jesus!

You need to take yourself out of the equation; it can't be you against a mountain 'cos you're no match for it without Jesus. Let your problems see whose you are and watch them crumble, like my cold eventually will against my WBCs!

 This encouraged me today; I hope it helps you too -

 Isaiah 41 vs 11 - 13: All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 

On that note, have a blessed, sneeze-free and God filled day ahead!

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