Monday, April 25, 2011


So, as many of you know, I have colored my hair!!  Yeah, I know, it's been like a month now but I just decided to blog about it :-).

Before: One of those days I was bored at work....
As you all know, I'm not a big fan of change. Not even  when it can easily be reversed. So, I don't really know what possessed me to ask Ms Evelyn (the awesomest hair stylist/genius in the galaxy) to color my hair as she saw fit! So...she did! And after I got my hair washed and I looked like a rat died on my head! I was seriously depressed! But then I asked for it didnt I?
Oyin was making my slippery slide into depression worse too. She started singing "Ooh that girl looks scandalous..." and calling me Sisqo and I was honestly close to telling poor MzE to dye my hair back....Until the big reveal...

After: At the MannEve Salon. That's Oyin in the background.

BAM! I'm hot! And I love my new look! And it seems like everybody does too!

I'm currently working on another Major Change...Will definitely keep you updated!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Ramblings - Be Still


It's really hard to put all the stuff running through my brain into one coherent post, but I will try - I'm thinking about a lot of things and they keep bombarding my poor brain at the oddest times, hence the Venti Cup of Starbucks coffee and bloodshot eyes, so I have decided to share the load, one at a time. I need my sleep!!

It seems to me that a lot of people seem to be moving on to something else - whether they're sure of the move or not. Some are moving to another job, house, boyfriend, business venture, Something! Something that's not what they were doing before. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy with where I am at this particular season in my life.

I am fairly young (can you say FAST approaching 30? Sheesh), I have an awesome family, a job I adore (much to people's confusion) and my relationship with God is getting better everyday. So why am I all itchy all of a sudden? Where did this restlessness come from? I literally have my whole life planned out - I mean, unless God decides to turn it on it's ear, I'm pretty much set. So, I shouldn't be feeling this way, should I? Just because it looks like people are moving doesn't mean I'm "marking time", right? Well, after weeks of agonizing and pondering, I got an answer. Fairly simple. With God, most things are..

Psalm 46 vs 10a - ""Be still, and know that I am God".

There are some points I guess that you get to in life that you need to be reminded of what you already know- Be still. Don't worry. Cease striving. Let go of your concerns. It's all in your mind - maybe...probably. But be still.

I hope that encourages someone today.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Footprint in the Sand

Good Morning!!

It has been a while hasn't it? CPA Studying can do that.

I was talking to a friend of mine last night and a lot of things that had been running rampant in my mind since the beginning of the year seemed to line up in nice and straight. A lot of young people have passed away this year - more than I care to count, really. Men and women (younger than 26 have) died from January 1st to yesterday. I know, people die all the time; it's the cycle of life....but it hasn't hit this close to home before. I don't believe in coincidences, especially when it comes to life and death.

Church has been a place of revelation and insight for me this year. It's not that it hasn't been in the past; it's just more intense now more than ever before. We are being prepared for what is to come. In my last post, I shared the story of the young teenager that was taken through Hell and Heaven with you. Recently, we watched an account of a man who died and went to Heaven and he gave this detailed report of what he saw and it hit me! Thank God for this season! Because without it, I am very sure (110%) that I would have missed it.


I am grateful for the Mercies of God that doesn't let me get what I definitely deserve and for His Grace that continues to lavish me what I don't deserve (favor, peace, joy, prosperity, a sound mind..I really could go on...). After the service and my discussion with Blessing last night, life just got ridiculously simple for me - Nothing else really matters, except pleasing God. If you think about it, we are chasing things around and neglecting the one person who owns ALL those things!

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well".- Matt 6vs33
"With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity". - Proverbs 8vs18

Everything else is trivial now...I've been asking God to show me my purpose but it's been staring at me in the face all along. It's plain and simple - Chase after God and really all the other things will find your address and lodge there.

I have made a conscious decision to make my life count for the One who put me on this earth. Because at the end of the day, if I amass all the wealth and fame and accolades this world can offer and get to the place of separation and I don't make it to that city with the roads paved with solid gold, it's all been for naught.

How awesome would it be to please God, do his Will, obey His Word and His prophets, share the Gospel - the good news of how this Jesus changed my life and still have it all? That's the way to enjoy this life and the one that matters most!

Because at the end of the day, all I want to hear is "Well done, Omotola". I want to Jesus to hold me by the hand and smile at me and say "O make e!!" (that's you made it for the non-Yoruba folks"

Make your life count for the right reasons. Make your mark.

On that note, have a blessed and God-filled day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Like a Thief

Good Morning Beautiful people,


Sunday service was somethin', lemme tell ya! I mean, it brought a lot of things to perspective. We need to take off the blinders we put on and realise that the end is near; nearer than we first believed. We need to understand that the things that were said in the Bible about the last days have been happening all around us - more frequently than before.

This story was shared in Church on Sunday and I seriously believe you all need to read this - A story about a young girl who was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.

We need to wake up! Wake and realize that the fact that we are saved now is not enough - Ezekiel 33vs 14-20. This race is run on a narrow, bumpy road and it has to be run with equal fervor and fire to the end. We cannot afford to be waylaid by trivialities! That road is nicely paved and wide!

Matthew 7 vs 13 - 14 says "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Luke 13 vs 24 - "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to."

This is not a scare tactic to drive anyone to the altar; it is merely a statement of the inevitable. Heaven or Hell. It's that simple. Black and white. There's no gray area when it comes to this. It's either you're for God or you're not. The consequence depends solely on your choice. Are Heaven or hell real? Are they just fictitious places cleverly designed to scare people into the straight and narrow (pun intended)? Well, again, that boils down to choice again - you can choose to believe the Bible, the irrefutable word of the Most High God or not to believe. Period. Shikena.

Like a thief in the night, Jesus will come for His own. Are you one of them? You've got to be sure now 'cos it will be painful to call Him Lord and He just stares at you with a blank look on His face. Matthew 7 vs 23, Luke 13 vs 25. Jesus has already done the suffering for each and every one of us when He came to die on the cross. Trust me, you don't want to have to work that hard for your salvation - because that is exactly what will happen when Rapture occurs and people are left behind (read the book of Revelations)

Revelation 3 vs 3 says: "Remember, therefore, what you are received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you"

May God help us all

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Farewell Fordette

Hello everyone!!

So, I lost something really dear to me really recently; my awesome car died on me three Wednesdays ago! We have been through a lot together, Fordette and I - we've been together since March 2008  after she was passed down to me by my sister. A lot of people told me to replace Fordette, but they could never understand the bond that we shared. She was such a good soldier, such a hardworker! She gave up the "engine" on Saturday the 13th of March at around 10pm and was pronounced dead on Wednesday the 16th at about 5pm. It was a sad, sad day for me; I am still mourning her loss. The fact that I have now found a replacement vehicle does not negate the fact that a hole has been dug into my heart at this untimely death of my blue-grey beauty. It's so hard to let go of some things, isn't it?

My brave little soldier!

Although it's hard for me to admit this but I am not one to try new things as often as I'd like - I order the same thing at Silver Diner, an awesome restauarant/breakfast place - Caramel French toast and scrambled eggs, side of sausage with the Caramel on the side; the same at Starbucks coffee - Solo Iced Grande 7 pump Vanilla extra caramel Caramel Macchiato ( a mouthful, yes and they usually don't get it right! Hiss).

So, again, I admit that if Fordette hadn't died on me I wouldn't have met Max, who is really hot and has a great body! Not knocking on Fordette, though...

So this is my official goodbye to Fordette, my hustler, I loved you. Goodwill will love you more.....

Fare thee well....!