Monday, November 7, 2011

Someday Soon

One day....

My home will be filled with its people again
She will be cherished and courted and praised as the jewel that she really is
Her people will cease to rape, pillage and drain her; they will take from her with reverence and return to her a hundred fold.
Her children who left, who are in the diaspora will return and increase the fruit she bears
She will no longer be mocked and scoffed at for basic amenities that she (or those in charge of her) is (or are) unable to provide
She will rise from the ashes like a phoenix at rebirth
The world will know and hear about the restoration power of a God over her
She will celebrate her birthday, knowing that she's not being graded for where she is and/or where she's supposed to be
The people in power will not care only about their pockets and stomachs; they will remember that there are over 150 million people relying on their honesty and transparency and in so doing, make a change.
We will not lose family members to minor accidents because of deplorable roads and non-existent healthcare; people die just because they don't have the money to pay hospitals for their service and they are not treated.

One day, Nigeria will become the glorious nation she was destined to be.

God bless Nigeria.

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