Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I've come to the Realization that....

  • I am incredibly loved - by my family and friends and most importantly, by God
  • My tomorrow will be better than my today because my today was better than yesterday
  • As long as the earth remains and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, the Word of the Lord concerning me will not fall to the ground until it has accomplished that which it was sent. (Isaiah 55 vs 11)
  • Roger Federer is the awesomest, greatest tennis player that has ever lived (I had to put him in somewhere). Lionel Messi too actually. In fact, the whole Barcelona team! 
  • The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in me....sooner or later, that glory will break forth and the world that has been groaning in eager anticipation for the  manifestation and the revelation of the Sons of God will groan less (Romans 8 vs 18-19; one of my favorite scriptures)
  • My life is great!
  • God is good and His mercies and grace endures forever; it doesn't matter if things are not working out the way I want; the bottom line is that my life is going exactly the way God planned it and ALL things will work together for my good - the good, bad, ugly, despicable... you get my meaning.
  • Planning without action and diligence is not only useless, it's a failure. Trying in and of itself is success enough.
  • I can hardly wait to go to Nigeria in December!!! So much fun to be little time!
  • Being a senior is NOT a walk in the park! Jesus help me! I miss my sleep; my bed misses me..womp!
  • I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength! Through Christ alone. 

How have things been going for you lately?

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