Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How's your sight?

Good Afternoon Beautiful People!

So, I was having a lot of trouble with my vision yesterday - my eyes were blotchy, itchy and red and my contacts were all blurry! It was not good considering it was 9:10pm and I had to drive about 45 miles home from work. I got home and realized that my contacts need to be replaced! They had been doing double duty as I should have replaced them a while ago (don't judge me o, I wanted to get my money's worth! I mean, who uses those things for a week and trashes them anyway?)

So, this got me thinking.....

How important is vision to you? Can you clearly see where you're going? Now, don't literal on me...you know what I'm getting at.

"The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision” – Helen Keller

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson.

“When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful” – Proverbs 29 vs. 18 (NLT)

It really is dangerous to just go through life without having a set goal, vision and/or dream. It’s like driving without contacts/glasses at night. It’s like sprinting towards a deep pit with blindfolds wrapped tightly around the eyes. It’s a possible catastrophe!

Like wisdom, if you don't have a vision, ask for it. You'll be surprised how clear things become....

Have a blessed, God-filled and dream-filled day!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day is Coming!!

Really though??

I mean, which one is it? Today at 6pm or 2012 by the Mayan calendar? These people need to make up their minds and stick to one! It seems like people are going berserk about this so-called judgment day like they did the with the Y2K propaganda! People giving away their belongings (I mean, where are these people? they need to find me and dash me all their retirement money!), quitting their jobs, leaving their homes! How tragic will it be at 6:01pm and they realize nothing happened? Oops!

It's also surprising to me that this May 21 debacle was brought on by a man who said he's a Christian and he got his information from the Bible! Which Bible is he reading, I wonder? Because MY Bible says it clearly -

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Mark 13 vs 32
"But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief..... " - 2 Peter 3 vs 10

I could really go on and on, but you get the picture. No one knows when that set time is! Why? Well because poeple will "repent" 5 secs before the clock strikes "rapture" that's why! It ruins the element of surprise, doesn't it?

"My children, I shall have Angel Gabriel blow the trumpet at exactly 4:34pm on 11/11/11! Will you be ready??" - Ridiculous!

What's the point of living a righteous life, a life pleasing to God when all you have to do is be lawless until the zero hour then Boom! Heaven!

It doesn't work that way!

I'm sure God is just chuckling on His throne resting his feet on the earth and shaking Head at His creation.

Who's report do you believe? The findings of an obviously confused individual or the Most High God? We definitely should not be moved by any news because, we are prepared, right? Today, tomorrow, next week, next year...

The question is:  Will you be ready when He DOES come?

Just a thought!

On that note, have a blessed and God filled day and until NEXT time!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Road to Rolland Garros

Hello my People!!

I am excited!! Actually excited doesn't quite cover what I'm feeling! But for now, it'll have to do...

Another Grand Slam is around the corner! Yay!! The last one was about 4 months ago with a few ATP1000 tournaments thrown in. Now, don't get me wrong, those are alright, I guess. I mean how impressive is a "best of three" match versus a "best of five" tourney?

January - Winner: The Djoker

Next up! May 21. Defending Champ - Rafa

Defending Champ - Rafa

Defending Champ - Rafa

I am not a huge fan of the clay court game (largely because it's not RF's best surface....yes I'm a diehard fan!) but these little games have whetted my appetite for a meaty Slam - a boatload of money is at stake, 2000 points is up for grabs, the possibility of 5 setters, bagel serving, bagel eating, ridiculously long (and awesome) rallies, showmanship and ROGER FEDERER. Oh boy!

Roger Federer! My Man!
At this point, I would be remiss not to discuss someone other than Roger Federer, for once, rght?

So, in the interest of fairness, Novak Djokovic (aka The Djoker) has had an amazing run in 2011! Dude hasn't lost a match yet! He has won 7 ATP Titles already and his best performance before this was 3 in a year! He's on a serious roll! He has beaten Rafael Nadal twice in a row on CLAY! I mean, he's teaching the "King of Clay" how to play on is favorite surface. Can he make it a hat rick at Rolland Garros or will his streak be snapped like a dried up twig? Stay Tuned!!


I feel much better! Tennis is so awesome!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Good Morning!!

It has indeed been a while since I've had time to do much more than sleep, wake up, go to work and repeat! But I have a need to share this little tidbit of insight I got while listening to 95.1 Shine FM on my way to work this morning (this station is the BOMB....when the signal works). So before I pulled into the garage where all radio signal is lost, this song came on -

Life is full of ups and downs... a boat load of downs! It's the way it is. It's not going to change till Jesus comes to take His own. But we need to understand that when we do go through these numerous valleys of life, all we need to do is call on God and He will show up with the host of Heaven in tow - either as a comforter or an avenger. He is I am, after all! He will be, can be and is all that you need Him to be.

But I digress....

It just reminded me that no matter what seems to be going wrong at every turn, there's someone who is holding you. There's no use asking "why" these things happen to us....it is very important to know that the promise is WHEN everything fails and falls ('cos it will), we'll be held.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." - Isaiah 26 vs 3

Be encouraged as I was encouraged!

PS - Big ups to Blessing Akeh! You made it!! Congratulations on your graduation!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are you Sharp?

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend". - Proverbs 27vs17

This verse didn't become as real and tangible to me until a a dear friend of mine needed her friends and family to rally around her. The way and the speed with which people responded warmed my heart! It was a beautiful thing to see. But that really isn't the crux of my post today. The aspect that blessed me and I know made God smile was the response to the situation - We banded together in prayer. We were there to give a kind and encouraging word, to edify and lift up one another. There was no negativity in our thinking and speech. We prayed and we cried out to God as one voice to completely nullify the situation.

Matthew 18vs20 - "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

It is really important to have a support system that can be strong for you when you are weak. People that will hold up your hand when your strength is failing like Moses because that's the only way the battle can be won. You need people who won't lie to you or flatter you when you wear an outfit  that's obviously too tight and doesn't flatter your body type (or maybe you just need to hit the gym).

The presence (or lack thereof) of these people in your life can make (or break) a situation. It changes things when you have a shoulder to cry on whenever necessary or when you need someone to snap you out of your self pity and wallowing. I mean, Jesus is all those things and more to us, but there's a reason Proverbs 27vs17 is in the Bible. We as Christians, Christ-like people, children of God, Heaven-bound, righteous and holy, consecrated unto God should find poeple that carry the same spirit and learn from each other, uplift each other, rub off on each other because as we polish one another, we become sharper and brighter in a dark, dark world. This is what the people of the world will see and be drawn to.

Because there are times you need someone to remind you of what you already know or give you a new insight into something that completely changes your perspective on an issue.

In that vein, I am indeed thankful for the "irons" that I have!

Have a blessed and God filled day!

PS: Lakers is down 2-0!! God loves me!! Whohooooo