Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgment Day is Coming!!

Really though??

I mean, which one is it? Today at 6pm or 2012 by the Mayan calendar? These people need to make up their minds and stick to one! It seems like people are going berserk about this so-called judgment day like they did the with the Y2K propaganda! People giving away their belongings (I mean, where are these people? they need to find me and dash me all their retirement money!), quitting their jobs, leaving their homes! How tragic will it be at 6:01pm and they realize nothing happened? Oops!

It's also surprising to me that this May 21 debacle was brought on by a man who said he's a Christian and he got his information from the Bible! Which Bible is he reading, I wonder? Because MY Bible says it clearly -

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Mark 13 vs 32
"But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief..... " - 2 Peter 3 vs 10

I could really go on and on, but you get the picture. No one knows when that set time is! Why? Well because poeple will "repent" 5 secs before the clock strikes "rapture" that's why! It ruins the element of surprise, doesn't it?

"My children, I shall have Angel Gabriel blow the trumpet at exactly 4:34pm on 11/11/11! Will you be ready??" - Ridiculous!

What's the point of living a righteous life, a life pleasing to God when all you have to do is be lawless until the zero hour then Boom! Heaven!

It doesn't work that way!

I'm sure God is just chuckling on His throne resting his feet on the earth and shaking Head at His creation.

Who's report do you believe? The findings of an obviously confused individual or the Most High God? We definitely should not be moved by any news because, we are prepared, right? Today, tomorrow, next week, next year...

The question is:  Will you be ready when He DOES come?

Just a thought!

On that note, have a blessed and God filled day and until NEXT time!!

1 comment:

  1. 6pm? I thought it was 5pm. Na wa o! Lord have mercy. Tell it Tola!
