Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can I Have Your Attention Please?


So something rather dire happened to me last week Sunday; I haven't been able to blog about it until now for reasons I shall explain in a minute. Church was absolutely spectacular. My pastor preached on the Spirit of Victory and how we should see what we say and not the other way around. It was awesome...except that my right eye was itching so bad that I was tempted to pluck out the offending eye and give it a good scratch. But being the demur lady I am, I gave it a cursory tap and rub every once in a while. Then it got worse! On my way home from Church (thank goodness I didn't drive), the flood gates opened and I was weeping profusely...from one eye! I looked like I had just walked into someone's fist!

So, thinking it was just my contact lens acting up again, I dashed into the guest bathroom the minute we pulled into the driveway to rinse out whatever grit had latched onto my lens. Then the unimaginable happened! The contact lens cut into two even pieces! I stared in shock at my semi-new lens that I just put in a week before! And to add insult to injury, that was my last pair! I think I went mad for about 5 minutes after that - I even tried to piece the two parts together IN MY EYE! This has never happened before...EVER! In my 4+ years since I started using contacts.

Quickly, I dashed into my car with one eye (I'm virtually blind without my contacts, really) after toppling over chairs and shoes and headed to the nearest Hour Eyes to get something to stick in my eye. Then ANOTHER shocker: during my test, I realized that even with  the prescription lens thingy, I still couldn't see anything out of my right eye! So the teddy-bear looking optometrist checked the eye and after a few "hmms" and "ahhs" told me that I have a corneal abrasion in my right eye and it's pretty bad. I won't be able to put any lens in the eye because that might cause unwanted complications (like GASP...blindness!).

I have been operating with one good eye since Sunday. Very frustrating. But this whole ordeal got me thinking...

I had been putting off getting a more updated eye exam and new lenses for quite sometime, my rationale being that the ones I have are working so why bother? Well, I had to bother on Sunday didn't I? Now the optometrist didnt say that this happened because I was using weaker lenses but you can bet that I'm never  putting off getting my eyes checked!

Has that ever happened to you? I've had more experiences with procrastinations that have caught up with me that I'd care to count! First it was my car that decided to die on me after I got several pleas to change her. I was forced to change her too! That one still hurts, actually.

I have definitely learned my lesson..I think!

PS - What do you think of the new blog???

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