Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt.

These words paint a picture of someone who has been walking in a pitch black tunnel with a glimmer of light ahead that seems reachable but this person has been walking for miles and hours and that light is still nothing but a glimmer - afar and unattainable.

I was that person.

Having heard clearly from God concerning my life, I chalked it all up to "the impossible" and turned from it. For years. I now realize that it's easier to do what I did than to admit that it does look like the impossible but then considering that nothing's impossible with this God, maybe, just maybe, with a little faith and action, something good can come out of a dead situation.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. You're never supposed to figure it all out. If that was the case, then you won't need God. That's why people go about their lives knowing that something's missing and trying to fill a vacuum only God can fill with other things. But I digress. We are only given a piece of that puzzle at a time. So, sometimes, we get caught up on the little information that we have and lose sight of the big picture. Thank goodness God doesn't!

We either get antsy that things are not going according to plan or as quickly as you'd expect or get comfortable with the little that you have. Two really bad places to be - I will discuss only the first today:

Expecting to set the pace of your life is a common mistake we all make. "I have to graduate by 21, get a correct boyfriend by 22, get engaged by 24, get married in less than a year, have a boy at 27 followed by a girl at 29. Oh yeah! Not to forget the career too - make sure that by 30, I'm pretty well set career wise with a 6 figure salary and a 20 hour work week!" All these things are great! But what if it doesn't work out quite that way? What then? I know the Bible does say that God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think but what if all your plans fall flat?
 Does that change who God is? Why do we forget the promisor and focus solely on the promise? When did Jesus become "not enough" for us?

I am happy to announce to you that my previously small glimmer of light is getting bigger day by day, bit by bit. And I believe it's because I came to a point where I stopped grabbing for straws in my restlessness and listened again to what was promised to me. Yeah, it looks ridiculously impossible, but then a dream that can be achieved by you is not from God because you don't need God to get it. This one is going to hurt and I know that I'm going to need to hang on to God for dear life for this one.

I have a piece of the puzzle. I know it's going to be hard waiting for the next piece and trying not to be complacent with the piece that I do have, but His grace is sufficient because at the end of the day, my focus is not on the promise (which is uber cool, by the way), but on the One who promised me. That way, there's no issue if it takes longer than I anticipate because His ways are certainly not my ways.

So I'm hanging on.......

Have a blessed and God-filled day!!

PS - I have started a new venture, DClutterMe (just click on the word to get re-routed), a professional organization business - Be sure to check it out and "like" it on facebook!!

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